Leading by Example
As the farmer-driven association for the grains industry, GGC advocates for the federal government to make decisions that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.
Building Stronger Relationships
We seek to inform decision-makers and push the levers of power in a more favourable direction and continue to build positive and productive relationships with elected officials across all party lines.
As the national voice, we are committed to leading by example. Relationship building is at the heart of our advocacy. Whether fostering collaboration with government and industry or listening to our members – we are working to deliver a unified approach to legislation that benefits farmers across the country.
We work with several advocacy partners to ensure that Canadian agriculture leverages its political strength with a unified voice. These partnerships are detailed below:

Agriculture Carbon Alliance
The Agriculture Carbon Alliance (ACA) is a national coalition of 15 farm organizations committed to meaningful and collaborative dialogue with the federal government around carbon pricing.
Grains HQ
Home to the Canada Grains Council, Grain Growers of Canada, Canola Council of Canada, Canadian Canola Growers Association, Soy Canada and Pulse Canada. Representing the entire value chain, from farmers to processors to grain companies, Grains HQ is your one-stop shop for the Canadian grain, pulse and oilseed sector.
Our Initiatives
We have engaged in several issues through our collaborative advocacy partnerships, which include:
Canada Grain Act Review
GGC engaged in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) consultations on the Canada Grain Act review, forming a working group with our members to collaborate and establish consensus on priority issues. In the Spring of 2021, GGC released our submission to AAFC.
Fertilizer Emission Reduction Target
The Grain Growers of Canada know that nitrogen fertilizer is essential to the success of individual farm operations and, in turn, the Canadian economy. With the threat of global food insecurity. We must develop an approach that aligns the imminent need for increased food production with the long-term goal of increasing on-farm sustainability.
Plant Breeding Innovation
Removing regulatory impediments and uncertainty to advance plant breeding innovation will level the playing field for global trade and open up benefits from the full range of new breeding techniques. Innovation must be available to plant breeders who work in large and small organizations and those who work in the private or public sector and academia.
Bill C-234
Bill C-234, An Act to Amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, seeks to expand the definition of eligible farm machinery and amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act to extend the exemption for qualifying farming fuel to marketable natural gas and propane. It will provide much-needed economic relief to farmers and ranchers for critical farming practices.
Transportation Challenges
Canada has a global reputation as a dependable trading partner. With the world’s food supply under extreme pressure, consumers and countries worldwide are counting on Canada’s agriculture industry to help meet their food security challenges.