
Grain Growers of Canada seek support from Senate on Bill S-215

(Ottawa, Ontario) March 11, 2020 – Upon news that Senator Diane Griffin has brought forward Senate Public Bill S-215 for debate, the Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) are calling on all Senators to support the bill which would exempt natural gas and propane from the carbon tax.

“We are very pleased that Sen. Griffin has brought forward this legislation so early in the parliamentary session,” said GGC chair Jeff Nielsen. “This bill lessens the burden of the carbon tax on our farmer members ahead of a crucial spring seeding season.”

On behalf of Canada’s grain farmers, GGC implores Senators to demonstrate unanimous support of Bill S-215 in the Upper Chamber and quickly advance this legislation forward to Committee.

“We must work collaboratively so that farmers are recognized for their environmental stewardship and to achieve the government’s twin goals of mitigating climate change and increasing the agri-food sector’s competitiveness,” explained Sen. Griffin.

In Sen. Griffin’s speech, she indicated that farmers are unable to mitigate costs of the carbon tax through direct action – as critical measures like drying grain are not a “discretionary fuel use.” She also reiterated the importance of maintaining agriculture’s competitiveness in order to meet the federal government’s states goal of $85 billion in agri-food exports by 2025.

“Senator Griffin articulated very well just why the carbon tax is simply not workable for farmers, and why these broader exemptions for fuel used to dry our grain is so important right now,” added Nielsen. “After the 2019 ‘Harvest from Hell,’ paying additional taxes to dry grain that would otherwise rot in the bin or be sold at a steep discount just adds insult to injury. There are simply no alternatives to fossil fuels to dry our grain and those costs are coming at a time that farmers can afford it least.”

The Senate Bill S-215 is similar in nature to Bill C-206, tabled by MP Philip Lawrence, which is expected to be debated in the House of Commons in the coming weeks. GGC is supportive of both pieces of legislation and hopeful that either will be passed into law in advance of the 2020 harvest to ensure the taxes are not applied to the cost of grain drying this fall.

“Given the clear desire for this legislative change in both Chambers and across Party lines, our hope is that the federal government would include broader exemptions for all fuels used in farming operations in the Budget Implementation Act – once tabled,” said Nielsen. “This is not about politics. This is about the sustainability of the family farm in Canada.”

The full text of Senator Griffin’s speech can be found here 

For more information, contact:

Cole Christensen
Communications Consultant
Phone: 403-589-3529

Grain Growers of Canada provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 15 provincial, regional and national grower groups. Our mission and mandate are to pursue a policy environment that maximizes global competitiveness and to influence federal policy on behalf of independent Canadian grain farmers and their associations.

Grain Growers of Canada support senate bill to exempt natural gas and propane from carbon tax

(OTTAWA) Feb. 20, 2020 – The Grain Growers of Canada (GCC) strongly support the Senate Public Bill S-215 brought forward by Senator Diane Griffin to exempt natural gas and propane from the carbon tax.

“This past year’s harvest from hell was difficult for grain growers across this country,” said GGC chair Jeff Nielsen. “We are so pleased that Senator Griffin brought forth this bill to recognize that farmers need immediate relief from the mounting costs to our bottom line.”

The bill from Senator Griffin was driven by her experience as former chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry in the last parliamentary session. In the 2018 Senate report from the aforementioned committee, entitled “Feast or Famine: Impacts of climate change and carbon pricing on agriculture, agri-food and forestry,” recommendations were made to broaden the exemptions for agriculture. The report specifically advocated for the exemption of propane and natural gas for all farming operations from the carbon tax – including costs to heat or cool a structure.

The legislation tabled on Tuesday of this week follows those recommendations and seeks to include exemptions that should have been in place since the implementation of the Greenhouse Gas Pricing Pollution Act.

Senator Griffin’s bill was tabled the same day as a similar piece of legislation in the House of Commons from Member of Parliament Philip Lawrence. While the two pieces of legislation are not identical, the GGC is happy to support both and will advocate strongly for them as they go up for debate in the respective chambers.

“In committee, farmers consistently indicated that they should be treated fairly regardless of the crop they grow or the livestock they raise. The government said that they require more evidence on how the carbon tax is impacting farmers,” said Senator Griffin. “My bill is complementary to a similar bill in the House of Commons. However, a Senate committee is the quickest path in Parliament to collect this evidence and provide the government and parliamentarians with recommendations.”

“It is a very important step forward to see Sen. Griffin and MP Lawrence recognize the urgent need to support Canada’s grain farmers,” added Nielsen. “This will not be the challenging harvest and farmers need a legislative environment that reflects this new reality.”

GGC expects that these bills will demonstrate that elected officials of all political stripes recognize the importance of immediate action. We urge all parliamentarians to support these critical pieces of legislation.


About Grain Growers of Canada
GGC provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. As a farmer-driven association, GGC advocates for the federal government to take decisions that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Ehman
Manager, Member and Partner Engagement
(o): 613-233-9954 ext. 202
(c): 613-222-2726

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Canada’s grain farmers call for action after ‘harvest from hell’

Grain Growers of Canada launch – a platform for farmers to share the impact of the carbon tax on their farms

OTTAWA (February 18, 2020) – On behalf of Canada’s grain, oilseed and pulse producers, the Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) are calling for action from the federal government to support farmers after the harvest from hell.

“We have received broad support from opposition parties calling for immediate relief from the carbon tax for farmers after the disaster that was last year’s harvest,” said GGC chair Jeff Nielsen. “We now need our federal government to step up.”

As part of this action, GGC ask that our farmer members be directly reimbursed from the federal government for the millions of extra dollars they have paid to dry their grain as a result of the carbon tax.

With a changing climate, the new reality is that there will be future years where significant grain drying is required for farmers across Canada. Therefore, the most appropriate solution for both farmers and the government is to completely exempt all fuels used in farming operations from the carbon tax. A full fuel exemption will avoid the need for any future relief measures after events like last year’s harvest.

“This issue is too important to delay,” added Nielsen. “We are working with our member groups to compile data and share the real cost of the carbon tax with Hon. Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau. This is why we have launched It is an important avenue for farmers to demonstrate the burden that the carbon tax has inflicted on their operations.”

On the newly launched platform, farmers are invited to share their #harvestfromhell story and post their grain drying bill to help communicate the full cost of the carbon tax after 2019’s ‘Harvest from Hell’. The website will also feature infographics and videos that speak to the urgency of the situation and can be easily shared via social media.

For more information, visit

About Grain Growers of Canada
GGC provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. As a farmer-driven association, GGC advocates for the federal government to take decisions that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Ehman
Manager, Member and Partner Engagement
(o): 613-233-9954 ext. 202
(c): 613-222-2726

Grain Growers urge federal government to seek resolution to rail delays

OTTAWA (February 13, 2020) – On behalf of Canadian grain, oilseed and pulse producers, the Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) are imploring the federal government to seek a resolution to the rail delays.

“These delays caused by the blockades will have immediate, unintended consequences for farmers across the country,” said GGC Chair Jeff Nielsen. “As farmers, we work hard to grow the best crops for our markets around the world. By cutting us off from our customers our industry, economy, and, ultimately, our reputation as a reliable shipper is at risk.”

GGC represents farmers from coast-to-coast who generate billions in economic activity for our world-class grain. In fact, the majority of what GGC members produce is destined for international markets and ports around the globe.

“We are an industry that relies on export markets in order to survive and thrive. Without access to these markets via rail, we risk compounding further losses on top of what has already been a harvest from hell,” added Nielsen.

These delays – on top of the existing supply chain challenges from a previous CN strike and a cold spell across the prairies – have contributed to an already difficult winter. A timely resolution is needed in order to get grain back on the trains.

Any delay may result in losing out on critical markets that purchase our grains and oilseeds through our eastern, western and southern corridors.

About Grain Growers of Canada
GGC provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. As a farmer-driven association, GGC advocates for the federal government to take decisions that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Ehman
Manager, Member and Partner Engagement
(o): 613-233-9954 ext. 202
(c): 613-222-2726

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GGC Statement re: recent AAFC Announcements

Statement from Grain Growers of Canada chair Jeff Nielsen on recent announcements from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada:

“We commend Hon. Agriculture Minister Bibeau on her announcement today of funding for a pilot insurance program to mitigate risk for grain exporters and a public trust ‘code of practice’ for grain production. This is in addition to Monday’s notice regarding the Efficient Grain Dryer Program for Alberta farmers who are seeking to cover partial costs for their grain drying equipment.

However, the Grain Growers of Canada are asking for a more immediate and decisive action in the form of a full exemption for fuel used on Canadian farms from the carbon tax.

These announcements have not changed the fact that farmers across the country are still facing an additional cost burden after the “Harvest from Hell” – at a time when they can afford it least.

These costs are adding up and Canada’s grain farmers cannot continue to pay the price for inaction. A complete exemption for all fuels used on the farm is what we need to avoid these crises in the future and provide farmers with the resources to continue doing what we do best.

This will not be the last time where farmers face a tough harvest. We need a legislative and regulatory environment that reflects contributions that Canadian farmers have and continue to make towards the climate solution – while ensuring a sustainable future for this important industry.”

About Grain Growers of Canada
GGC provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. As a farmer-driven association, GGC advocates for the federal government to take decisions that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Ehman
Manager, Member and Partner Engagement
(o): 613-233-9954 ext. 202
(c): 613-222-2726

Download PDF

Grain Growers of Canada call for immediate relief from ‘harvest from hell’

Following a difficult harvest season, Canadian farmers should not be expected to pay increased taxes at a time when they can afford it least

OTTAWA (January 29, 2020) – On behalf of 65,000 Canadian grain, oilseed and pulse producers, the Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) are calling for immediate action to support Canadian farmers who have just been through the harvest from hell.

In the short term, GGC farmer members should be directly reimbursed from the federal government for the millions of extra dollars in carbon tax they have paid to dry their grain.

“The 2019 harvest season has put undue burdens on farmers’ livelihoods and every part of the country has been hit hard,” said GGC chair Jeff Nielsen from his farm in Olds, AB. “Beyond just the crop left in the field, farmers have faced major grain drying expenses, courtesy of the federal carbon tax, to ensure at least some crops make it to market.”

After a difficult 2018, where net farm incomes dropped 45 per cent from the year prior, the trend has only worsened. Our federal government must recognize that farmers should not be faced with an additional tax burden that reduces their competitiveness in the global marketplace. Farmers contribute to environmental sustainability by sequestering carbon, reducing water and input use, and improving soil health. However, with no alternative to fossil fuels to dry grain, the carbon tax fails to recognize farmers’ contribution and instead relies on punitive measures.

GGC is working with member groups to compile data to provide to the Hon. Minister Bibeau to allow her department to find the best way forward. That said, this issue is too important to delay. The government needs to be looking at all available options to offer relief to farm families who are facing mounting costs. This is only a short-term solution, however. Grain drying is an annual requirement for many Canadian farmers. That is why the long-term solution is to fully exempt all fuels used on farming operations.

With a changing climate, there could be future years where significant grain drying is required for farmers to get their grain to market. The simplest solution for both farmers and the government is to completely exempt all fuels used in farming operations. This will avoid the need for any relief measures after events like last year’s harvest. Farmers require a legislative and regulatory environment that recognizes our positive contribution towards the climate solution to ensure a sustainable future for this vital industry.

“These costs are adding up and we cannot continue to pay the price for inaction,” added Nielsen. “A complete exemption for all fuels used on the farm is what farmers ultimately require to avoid these crises in the future and provide farmers with the resources to continue doing what we do best.”

About Grain Growers of Canada
GGC provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. As a farmer-driven association, GGC advocates for the federal government to take decisions that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Ehman
Manager, Member and Partner Engagement
(o): 613-233-9954 ext. 202
(c): 613-222-2726

Grain Growers of Canada disheartened by lacklustre commitments to Canadian farmers at Ottawa meeting

Business risk management programs are essential to Canadian farmers, yet yesterday’s meeting outcomes will provide no effective support for Canadian farmers who face challenges beyond their control.

(Ottawa — December 18, 2019) The Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) members are disappointed and frustrated by the outcome of the federal, provincial and territorial agriculture ministers’ meeting yesterday in Ottawa.

“Despite all of these pressing challenges facing farmers across the country, the federal, provincial and territorial agriculture ministers were unwilling to make any changes to the AgriStability program,” says GCC Chair Jeff Nielsen. “This is when farmers need it most and our representatives are providing us with zero support.”

This was the second time this year that Ministers of Agriculture met to discuss the much-needed improvements to the business risk management suite, something that all Canadians farmers rely on. Yet once again, no meaningful changes have been put in place, leaving all Canadian farmers reeling and discouraged.

The disappointing conversation in Ottawa yesterday is a particularly disheartening way to end a year that was already extremely difficult for Canadian farmers. Farmers continue to experience access challenges in key international markets: Canadian canola and soybean are rejected by China, Saudi Arabia is refusing Canadian barley and India has increased tariffs on pulses. Additionally, farmers are feeling the adverse effects of the China/USA trade war. Simply, global markets are no longer reliable; the trade environment is increasingly unpredictable as protectionism rises globally. Additionally, another year of unprecedented rainfall, hail and snow has left acres of product that cannot be harvested. As a result, farm debt is accelerating at a frighteningly unprecedented rate and net farm incomes are projected to fall further than the 45 per cent decrease in 2018.

At this rate, Canadian farmers can’t help but feel bleak about the future, as evidenced by mental health help lines across the country reporting an 80 per cent increase in call volumes compared to previous years.

As it stands, the business risk management suite is incapable of meeting the majority of Canadian farmers’ needs. Changes made to AgriStability in 2013 have resulted in a program that is unresponsive and inadequate. Farmers are dealing with challenges — the majority of which are well beyond their control — in isolation.

“There is a crisis facing farmers across the country. Our representatives should be trying much harder to fix this crisis and support Canadians whose livelihood is at stake,” says Nielsen.

GGC will not walk away and accept this unsatisfactory outcome. “GGC members will be calling on Minister Bibeau to consider other options to provide farmers with immediate support,” says Nielsen. “The reality is that Canadian farmers need support from the government when adversely impacted by trade, political and environmental forces beyond our control. The reality is that currently; we are not getting any essential support.”

Grain Growers of Canada provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. Our mission and mandate are to pursue a policy environment that maximizes global competitiveness and to influence federal policy on behalf of independent Canadian grain farmers and their associations.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Ehman – Manager, Member and Partner Engagement
(o): 613-233-9954 ext. 202
(c): 613-222-2726

Grain Growers of Canada Statement on Speech from the Throne

OTTAWA (December 6, 2019) – The Grain Growers of Canada Chair Jeff Nielsen today issued the following statement on the Speech from the Throne which was delivered by Governor General Julie Payette Dec. 5.

Yesterday’s Speech from the Throne displayed a concerning lack of understanding of the unique needs of Canada’s export-oriented agriculture producers. This is particularly surprising considering the magnitude of the challenges currently facing farmers in every province across the country.

Farmers are facing times of unprecedented challenge in the international marketplace through trade disruptions due in large part to a rise in protectionism, and here at home with weather volatility and a lack of reliable business risk management programs. The absence of any recognition of the dire circumstances facing farmers today, suggests that our political leaders are not only oblivious the harsh realities facing Canada’s export oriented farmers, they are without a plan to address them. It is our hope that the passing reference to remove additional barriers to domestic and international trade for businesses and farmers will come with a robust plan to expand and diversify trade and support the domestic and global competitiveness of export-oriented farmers.

About Grain Growers of Canada
Grain Growers of Canada provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. Our mission and mandate are to pursue a policy environment that maximizes global competitiveness and to influence federal policy on behalf of independent Canadian grain farmers and their associations.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Ehman – Manager, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
(o): 613-233-9954 ext. 202
(c): 613-222-2726

Grain farmers welcome end to CN rail strike

Crucial that government acts now to ensure that the next time strike action is threatened the entire economy is not held hostage.

OTTAWA (November 26, 2019) – The Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) are pleased to hear that CN and the Union representing CN workers, Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC), have reached a tentative deal, which will see workers back on the job as early as this afternoon.

GGC will now be focused on how quickly CN can resume operations, keeping a close eye on how they prioritize the shipment of grain as well as the propane required to dry this year’s crop.

“The last thing we needed coming off of one of the worst harvests on record was any sort of delay getting our products to market and inputs to our farms,” said GGC Vice Chair Markus Haerle from his farm in St. Isidore, ON. “With access challenges in key markets around the world and on-farm profitability at its lowest point in six years, farmers cannot afford any further delays, we have to get grain moving again.”

The backlog which resulted from the week-long strike has added to the some of the biggest challenges that Canadian farmers have faced in years. The loss of major international markets including China and India among others, a terrible growing season and one of the worst harvests on record followed by this recent work stoppage, has made an already difficult situation even worse.

Given the complex nature of the grain transportation system, even this short disruption in rail transportation will have a lingering effect on service for many weeks to come. Farmers need to see grain moving as quickly as possible to avoid cash flow problems. Furthermore, if grain doesn’t start to move to international markets quickly, Canada risks damaging its reputation as a reliable shipper.

GGC is urging CN to prioritize the movement of grain and propane at this most critical time for farmers right across the country. GGC’s eastern members, many of whom rely on propane to dry their crops are concerned about the length of time it will take to get their dryers up and running again. Farmers in the east have been told it could take weeks to get propane to their farming operations. “We cannot afford to wait any longer to harvest our crops, winter is just around the corner and the grain cannot safely go into storage until it has been dried,” added Mr. Haerle. “We know that we have a narrow window before the very cold weather sets in – we have to get grain moving right away.”

Finally, GGC is calling on government to look ahead and put plans in place to ensure that next time a rail strike is threatened, farmers, and the Canadian economy as a whole, cannot be held hostage. We’ve seen the impact of a week-long rail strike and it simply cannot happen again.

Grain Growers of Canada provides a strong national voice for over 65,000 active and successful grain, oilseed and pulse producers through its 16 provincial, regional and national grower groups. Our mission and mandate are to pursue a policy environment that maximizes global competitiveness and to influence federal policy on behalf of independent Canadian grain farmers and their associations.

Media Contact:
Lindsey Ehman – Manager, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
(o): 613-233-9954 ext. 202
(c): 613-222-2726

An Open Letter from Canada’s Grain Farmers – Leadership on BRM Programs Needed Now

The following letter was sent to all Federal and Provincial agriculture Ministers across Canada on November 21, 2019 on behalf of all members of Grain Growers of Canada.

Dear Ministers,

The Grain Growers of Canada are calling Canadian Agriculture Ministers to recognize the crisis facing grain farmers across the country and immediately fix the AgriStability program.

The effectiveness of AgriStability was severely reduced in 2013 when significant cuts were made, including a reduction of coverage of reference margins from 85 to 70 per cent, which caused many farmers to withdraw from the program due to its ineffectiveness.

Farmers cannot wait any longer, global trade uncertainty and volatile weather is impacting every single grain farmer across the country this year. Early winter has left farmers with crop in the field unharvested, and the crop that is harvested faces prices that in some cases don’t cover the cost of growing it.

On Dec. 17, 2019, Canada’s agriculture ministers will meet in Ottawa to discuss improvements to Agri-Stability.

GGC members are calling on ministers to restore Agri-Stability to its former levels and thus restore farmers’ confidence in the program. Coverage should be immediately adjusted to cover losses starting at 85 per cent of historical reference margins and Reference Margin Limits should be eliminated. Farmers need this change to be available for the 2019 crop year.

Weather across Canada has left many farmers with low quality grain or grain unable to be harvested.

A hurricane flattened fields in Atlantic Canada – Quebec and Ontario faced unprecedented rainfall during planting and snow-covered fields for harvest – farmers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the BC Peace country, have had areas of drought, excess rainfall, hail and snow. Crops have been downgraded due to these factors and some may not be harvested at all.

Every major grain commodity is impacted by the global trade uncertainty unfolding around the world from trade wars.

Canola and soybean shipments are being rejected by China, Italy is imposing non-tariff barriers on Canadian durum, India has increased tariffs on pulses and Saudi Arabia is refusing Canadian barley.

Prices for many commodities have been greatly affected

Farmers face the challenge of not breaking even on crop they can sell due to non-trade barriers and the China/US trade war. Add to this the higher costs of drying record amounts of wet grain, which requires propane or natural gas – both subject to the carbon tax.

The stress is impacting farmers

Mental health lines in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes are reporting increases of close to 80% compared to other years.

Grain farmers (grains, oilseeds, pulses) are family owned businesses that support their local economy. Those rural communities also feel the hurt if grain farmers are hurting. This in turn has a negative impact on the Canadian economy as a whole.

If there isn’t immediate action by the Ministers of Agriculture from across Canada at their December 17 meeting, farm failures will occur that will impact all Canadians.

In these days of regional tensions where we are all searching for unity, this is a chance for a win-win for farmers, Canadians and the Federal and Provincial governments. By recognizing the difficult conditions that we face, the government has a unique opportunity to lift up farmers – instead of dividing them.

There is no better time than now to take that step. Let’s do it together.

Jeff Nielsen,
Chair, Grain Growers of Canada